How To Attract Discerning Buyers

We’ve talked about the three kinds of puppy buyers and the prices they’re willing to pay and where they hang out to find their puppy.

I think you would agree that it’d be a big advantage to be able to attract the top-end buyers onto your list for your puppies.

Why?  Because they pay up to three times more [sometimes even more…] than people buying at the bottom and middle of the market!

The question for today is how do we get those elite top-end, discerning buyers onto our list?

How do we attract them, and how do we get them to commit to our puppies?

Here’s how…


Working With Elite Puppy Buyer Behavior:

The first thing we’ve got to do is we’ve got to understand the discerning owner, the elite buyer.

For them, getting a puppy is a big deal. They don’t take the decision lightly. They see it as a massive commitment, and they do lot of research. They know things can go wrong and do their best to be informed and avoid the pitfalls.  The elite buyer really wants the best outcome for them and their family when they get a new furry companion into their life.

They do a lot of research, and they’re very careful about their decision.  You must understand that before you can even hope to attract those people onto your waiting list.

1. Be Visible Where The Top Buyers Hang Out

So the first thing that you need to do to get the discerning owner onto your list is to hang out where they hang out. Be visible where they are online.

And where are they? They’re on Google, and they’re searching for information.

Google’s an information engine, and you first must understand how to please Google.  And then you must learn how to have a good online presence so that you are getting up to the top of Google as answers to the exact questions that these people are asking when they’re doing their research phase before approaching a breeder.

Have you ever had those people who contact you and say, “Well, I’ve done my research and it led me to you.” Well, you know straight away that those are the discerning, elite kind of buyers.

On the other hand, if you have someone who says, “Oh, how much is it? And when can I have one?” that’s not your discerning owner. Get the difference?

So you’ve got to get your online presence sorted out if you have any hope of actually being able to attract these guys onto your list. And of course I can teach you how to do that.  [If you haven’t watched my FREE master class yet, then register on this link and make sure you hop on because it’ll give you a lot of help.]

2. Give Exemplary Customer Service

Now, the second thing that they expect, if you really want to attract these people onto your list, you’ve got to be better than most breeders with your customer service and your communication. Now, unfortunately, a lot of breeders [usually because they’re a bit scared for different reasons of keeping a waiting list, and might not have puppies at the time], often don’t even bother to communicate with people or answer inquiries.  Put yourself in the position of a discerning buyer:  you’re approaching all these breeders and half of them don’t even answer your email!  Not fun, huh!

So be one of those breeders who gives them a prompt and exceptional response. It’s all about customer service if you want to attract these guys and be in that top level of the market.

You have to actually rise to the occasion, give great customer service, and that starts with an excellent and prompt reply to whatever their inquiry was. Make sure they have all the information. Make sure they understand what you’re doing as a breeder to turn out the best canine companions money can buy.

And a lot of you are doing that. So just a matter of communicating that effectively, telling them how to join your list, being professional, having written policies in place that they can check out upfront, showing you understand their concerns and answering their unasked questions.

3. Provide Quality Assured Puppies

The third thing is to exercise the massive influence all breeders have to turn out great puppies. We have these babies until right the way through their early childhood.  What we do and don’t do impacts them for the rest of their life.

And I know there’s a lot of you out there doing ENS and puppy culture because you recognize this, which is fabulous.  You deserve to get the top prices, but a lot of you aren’t.  So it’s important that you get your communication and marketing right to get the prices you deserve.

To attract top buyers and peak prices, we’ve got to turn out puppies with added value, the kind these discerning owners are willing to pay for.  And the sort of things we’re talking about here are things like potty trained. People want a potty trained puppy. I know they’re not fully potty trained at eight weeks, but we can turn them out with potty training started. And that makes such a big difference. It makes it so much easier for people to potty train a puppy that’s had the potty training started.

So that’s a big bonus for them. They’re willing to pay more for that sort of thing. And adding other value, getting your puppies used to being in crates, so they’re easily crate trained by their own new owner if they want to do that.  Plus offering a very solid and written health guarantee. These are things which show that you stand by your puppies and these are the sorts of quality assurance things that will attract those discerning buyers onto your list.

So I hope you’ve enjoyed that and don’t forget to watch the free Marketing for Breeders webinar if you haven’t already, and I’ll see you next time.


October 17, 2021

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